Preschool And Early Childhood Functional Assessment Scale - PECFAS
Preschool And Early Childhood Functional Assessment Scale - PECFAS
Overview | CAFAS® | PECFAS® | JIFF® | CWL®

What is the PECFAS?
It is the “preschool version” of the CAFAS, which assesses a child’s day-to-day functioning across critical life domains AND determines whether a child’s functioning improves over time.
- Widely used to inform decisions about need for services or additional specialized assessment, type and intensity of treatment, readiness for school, and specialized services needed for educational success
- PECFAS items (problem behaviors, strengths, and goals) are behaviorally descriptive and anchored, resulting in high credibility
- Quickly completed by practitioners (10 minutes), based on information from routine clinical evaluation
Order the PECFAS today!
What's different from the CAFAS?
- The PECFAS items address issues observed in younger children
- The PECFAS does not have a Substance Use subscale
- PECFAS can be used for children as young as 3 years old. Generally the CAFAS can be used for children in full-time kindergarten, although the PECFAS may be used up to age 7, depending on the developmental level (versus chronological age) of the child
PECFAS Areas of Functioning


Why use the PECFAS?
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How the PECFAS works online
The PECFAS is quickly completed by an assessor (10 minutes), based on information collected during a typical clinical assessment. The assessor “clicks” the behavior-based items that describe the youth’s functioning in each of the domains. For each domain (subscale), the assessor can also quickly identify the youth’s strengths and goals.
Results with interpretations are displayed instantaneously, and include: PECFAS scale scores, PECFAS Profile, alerts for critical items, risk behaviors, clinical markers, client types, and outcome indicators. The Client Assessment Report and the Family Report (which includes strengths and goals and shows progress) are generated entirely by the software. The assessor can add optional summary comments to appear on the Client Assessment report.
Based on the PECFAS items (i.e., target behaviors), and strengths and goals selected by the assessor, the software generates a Treatment Plan organized by subscales. The “action plan” section for each subscale is completed by the assessor.
After each assessment, a snapshot of the child's assessment results appear immediately on the their "Client Dashboard". If the PECFAS is re-administered to track progress (e.g., quarterly), outcome indicators focus attention to progress, or lack thereof.
The Supervisor Dashboard presents aggregated client data for subscale scores as well as a variety of clinical markers (e.g., risk behaviors, client types) and for outcome indicators (improving vs. not improving). It is easy to “drill down” to identify the specific youth who meet the criteria and then “click” to view the child's "Client Dashboard".
Why use the PECFAS?
Generates outcome indicators and clinical markers honed by years of research, which greatly assists with interpretation
Shows current status and compares scores over time on “real time” dashboard
Puts actionable tools in your hands to figure out “what’s going on right now?”…not “what went on last year?”
Automated assessment report and family “take home” report
Guides rapid development of an outcomes-driven treatment plan
Aggregated reports for program evaluation and quality assurance
Integrated export tool makes it easy to send data to funding sources
Webservice interface eliminates duplicate entry