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Learn How One Customer Uses the JIFF® in System of Care
Creating Sustainability and Increasing Accessibility and Collaboration within a System of Care by Using a Common, Frontline Assessment Tool

By David King, MA, MSW, Kay Hodges, Ph.D., and Lisa Martin, Ph.D.

Learn How One Customer Uses the JIFF® in Juvenile Justice
The JIFF® is helping to transform the Juvenile Justice System in Wayne County (Detroit), Michigan. Choices, their community newsletter, features the successes of their innovative programs such as “diversion from arrest” (prevention), “post-arrest diversion”, and specialized programs for status offenders and truants (to prevent or minimize any court involvement). Below we have highlighted parts of the Choices newsletters that describe how they are applying the JIFF in their setting to help improve their processes and outcomes. To view a summary of cost savings, see American Institutes for Research webinar on the JIFF.

JIFF Used by Police for "Arrest Diversion"

Winter 2010 - Detroit police take youth to a community assessment center for JIFF screening.
  • Page 3 - See how JIFF is used to determine safe alternatives to arrest.
  • Page 5 - Success story for diversion post-arrest, the perspective from a youth and his mother.
  • Page 6 - Incarceration is not an answer.

JIFF Engages Caregivers to be Actively Involved as "Part of the Solution"

Summer 2009 - Continuously evolving services help families reclaim youth.

  • Page 4 - A Diversion Coordinator at a Juvenile Assessment Center describes how she uses the JIFF.

JIFF Integral to a Post-Arrest Diversion Program

Summer 2008 - JIFF in combination with the Court, Prosecutor, and Juvenile Assessment Center comprise a diversion program.

  • Page 1 - Philosophy behind Correct Course, Wayne County's diversion program.
  • Page 4 - How JIFF gives parents a voice.
  • Page 8 - The immediacy of JIFF assures timely response of community services.
  • Page 10 - The JIFF guides curriculum selection tailored to the needs of individual youth.

JIFF Allows Quick Access to Mental Health Services

Winter 2008 - Getting great results, in no small part, with the JIFF.

  • Page 6 - With its uniform and standardized assessment, the JIFF ensures that all youth are screened for mental health and substance abuse services. Service Plan helps ensure that these services are received. 

JIFF Helps to Ease Truancy

Spring 2007 - Juvenile justice programs use JIFF with truants referred to the court.

  • Page 3 & 4 - The JIFF is the first step in a new diversion program that is proving to provide early intervention.


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